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الأحد، 8 مايو 2011

تحميل لعبة Sonic Adventure 2 لنك واحد

تحميل لعبة Sonic Adventure 2 لنك واحد

تنزيل لعبة سونيك لعبة المغامرات
تحميل لعبة المتعة للكارتون الشهير Sonic Adventure 2 مجربة بمساحة 650 ميجا فقط على رابط واحد

  Sonic Adventure 2 (unrar & play)
Language: English | Genre: 3D Platformer | 652 MB

Introducing Sonic Adventure 2, the latest Sonic masterpiece, where you play as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles and attempt to save the world -- or play as Shadow, Dr. Robotnik, or Rouge and conquer all who stand in your way. Mistaken for a villain and kidnapped by a military squad, Sonic must escape his captors and discover who is responsible for all his trouble. Jump into the action and check out Sonic's new moves as he grinds rails, swings from poles, and somersaults past the bad guys. Running at a smooth 60 frames per second, and containing over 30 action stages.


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